Book Review: The Treasure Principle

The Treasure Principle: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving
Randy Alcorn

For some time I have been blessed and challenged by the writing of Randy Alcorn.  The Treasure Principle is no exception.

Subtitled, “Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving,” the Treasure Principle examines the heart of giving and generosity.  The Treasure Principle is simple and familiar: “You can’t take it with you, but you can send it on ahead.”

While noting that there are numerous Biblical examples that illustrate the relation of our spiritual life and money, Alcorn avoids a legalistic attitude and focuses on giving that is motivated by love and grace.

The book articulates six Treasure Principle Keys:

#1 God owns everything. I’m His money manager.

#2 My heart always goes where I put God’s money.

#3 Heaven, not earth, is my home.

#4 I should live not for the dot but for the line (not for the temporal, but the eternal).

#5 Giving is the only antidote to materialism.

#6 God prospers me not to raise my standard of living but to raise my standard of giving.

This is a short book (can be read in one or two sittings) and, while it is not groundbreaking, I found it to be an excellent presentation of a often twisted and misunderstood subject.  With it’s small size, it would make a great gift for friends, graduates, etc.

Some of the quotes I noted in this book . . .

The joy of surrendering lesser treasures to find greater ones.”

We’re most like God when we’re giving.

Tithing isn’t the ceiling of giving; it’s the floor.  It’s not the finish line of giving; it’s just the starting blocks.

Five minutes after we die, we’ll know exactly how we should have lived.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

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